Westside Intermediate 2024-2025 Handbook

SCHOOL ATTENDANCE School attendance is extremely important. When your child is home not feeling well or sick, when he/she returns to school you must send in a note within five days of the absence for it to be considered a lawful absence. This will assist us in keeping accurate records of lawful (excused) and unlawful (unexcused) absences. If you wish to pick up your child’s homework, please call the school by 9:15 a.m. and we will try to have it ready in the office by the close of school the same day. Our school messenger system makes an automated call to make sure you are aware of each day missed. We keep a close eye on all our students, making sure they are here on time each day. Feel free to contact the school office if there is a concern or if your child will be absent for an extended period. Please keep in mind that classes begin at 9:15 a.m. and instruction ends at 3:45 p.m. For your child to be successful, he/she needs to be in school on time each day! Please try to plan vacations when children are not in school so that instruction is not missed. Missed instruction means breaks in learning. Help us help your child be successful! Please be aware that students who are absent may not attend any after-school events on that day. A student must be in class for a minimum of 4 hours to receive credit for a full day. A half day requires a minimum of 2 hours in class. Also, please be aware that a student signed out prior to dismissal will be marked as an early dismissal. Please keep in mind that when your child arrives late for school, he/she must be signed in by an adult in the office. This is a safety precaution. Absence from school without parent's/guardian’s consent (truancy) is not acceptable. Truancy is unexcused; therefore, disciplinary actions will follow as stated in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct. If a student receives more than five unexcused absences, an attendance plan will be implemented with interventions.