Westside Intermediate 2024-2025 Handbook

6-DAY CYCLE Our school operates on a 6-day cycle, A through F days for scheduling special area classes. Art, Music, Media, Band, Strings, T.A.D. and Physical Education classes will be scheduled on letter days rather than days of the week. For example, your child might have Physical Education on A Day, C Day and E Day. Also, remember tennis shoes are required for Physical Education class. DRESS CODE See the Dress Code in the Wicomico County Code of Conduct section. WEATHER DELAYS, CLOSINGS, AND DISMISSAL If there is inclement weather and school is delayed, closed, or dismissed early, you will receive a school messenger telephone call on your home or cell phone via Thrillshare. You can check the website, www.wcboe.org. As always, local radio and television stations will also broadcast the information. Please remember, students may not arrive at regular time on delayed days, nor may they remain in the building if school is dismissed early. MEDICATION POLICY If your child needs to take medication in school, he/she must have a Physician’s Medical Order Form. This applies to all prescription medications, as well as all over the counter medications. We are not allowed to administer any medications without this form. There are students who require emergency medication in school such as inhalers for chronic asthma and Epi-pens for severe allergic reactions. For your child’s safety, please have your doctor fill out the Medical Order Form and bring the order and the medication to our school nurse as soon as possible so that, in case of an emergency, we will be able to help your child. If we have no way to help, our only alternative is to call 911. Please be reminded that all medications must be brought to school by the parent/guardian. If you have any questions about medication, please contact our school nurse. DISMISSAL Bus riders: Students are expected to ride their regular bus home unless a note is provided to the office in the morning. Car riders: Students who arrive and/or depart by car every day may be enrolled in our car rider program. Consistent day car riders are given car tags and may be picked up in our car rider circle. Students who are occasional car riders must be signed out in the office, and drivers must park in our designated parking area.