Westside Intermediate 2024-2025 Handbook

Students may not be dismissed from the classroom without a confirmation call from the office. Please sign out your child in the office and he/she will be called to meet you in the lobby. FAMILY PORTAL We will provide parents an opportunity to monitor their child’s grades through the Family Portal capacity of our student information management system. They will need to include an active phone number on the student information form to access the system as we encourage them to view the gradebook. Progress Reports and Report Cards will now be posted on Family Portal. For security reasons, passwords are reset at the end of each school year. Log in instructions for Family Portal are as follows: Login ID: student’s full last name (all lower case, special characters and spaces removed, not to exceed 14 characters) + first initial of student first name + the last 4 digits of the student’s Social Security Number. Password: Student’s 5-digit lunch number (available from your student or call the school). This is temporary; the parent will choose a new password the first time they log on. Example: Your student is John A. Smith-Jones with the social security number xxx-xx-1234. John’s lunch number is 98765. The login id will be smithjonesj1234 and the temporary password is 98765. MEDIA CENTER Books may be signed out from the Media Center for a period. If the book is not returned on or before the date it is due, you will be fined each day beyond the due date. When the overdue book is returned, the fine no longer accumulates. If a book is lost, the student will be charged the replacement cost of the book. The cost of books is very expensive, so great care should be exercised in handling of books. No book is to be taken out of the media center until media personnel have properly checked it out. Violation or abuse of media center procedures will result in the loss of media privileges. CHANGES TO STUDENT/PARENT INFORMATION Many times, families change telephone numbers or cell phone numbers, change jobs, and even move during the school year and forget to let the school know. It is vital that we have a current address and contact information for your family in case your child becomes ill or injured during the school day. We also need to be able to contact you via Thrillshare, our school messaging system, in the event of a weather delay or dismissal, field trip arrival change, etc.