Westside Intermediate 2024-2025 Handbook

FIRE DRILLS Each classroom has a set of directions for leaving the building during a fire drill. These directions are posted by the exit door. Students should be familiar with what to do in the event of a drill or fire. When the alarm sounds, students should move quickly and in an orderly manner towards an exit. When outside the building, each student should move with his/her class to a reasonable distance from the school and remain in a single file with his/her class. Students should return to the school with their teacher when signaled. If the fire alarm rings at lunchtime, students exit the cafeteria according to designated zones, and move outside in an orderly manner. Students will form a single file line with their class and await instructions from the monitors who will guide you. HALLWAY RULES Students are expected to behave in an orderly manner while in the hallway. Students who do not follow the rules will be subject to disciplinary action. TEXTBOOKS All textbooks are the property of and paid for by WCPS. These books are issued to students for their use. Once issued to the student, the book(s) become the student’s responsibility. Students should take good care of these books. Fines will be charged by the classroom teacher for damaged or lost textbooks. Price lists on all books are maintained in the main office. A lost textbook must be paid for before the student is issued a new one. TECHNOLOGY As students are using technology, parents are reminded that laptops from school remain the property of the Wicomico County Public Schools. Parents are reminded to go over the Acceptable Use of Technology Policy with their students. RECESS/PLAYGROUND EXPECTATIONS • Good sportsmanship must be displayed in all activities. • Throwing objects other than game balls is prohibited. • Game balls must not be thrown up against the school building. • Body contact games (wrestling, karate, tackle football, etc.) are prohibited. • Hard balls and footballs are forbidden. • Climbing on fences, trees, swing support and the sliding board supports is prohibited. • Students may leave the playground only with permission of the supervising adult.