Westside Primary 2024-2025 Student Handbook

3 | P a g e Student Attendance Ts chheoWo l i cdoami l yi c; oh Co owuenvteyr B, wo aer dr eoaf l Ei zdeuicl lant ei os ns eAs t tme na yd acnacues Pe oal i sc tyurdeeqnuti rt eos mt hi as st at li lms teu fdreonmt s sactht eo no dl . Pc hl ei lads et or e tbuer na ba sneontte ftroo ymo usrc hc ho iol dl . ’ sWhiot hmoeurto oamn toetaec ho ef r ei xf ci tu isse n, es ct ue sdseanrtys f owri lyl o bu er recorded as unexcused. If it is necessary for a student to be dismissed early, please send a note in the morning so tteraanchspeorsrtcaatniopnr,epplaeraeseyonuorticfhyiltdhefoorflfeicaeving early. Likewise, if there is any change in afternoon in writing no later than the morning of the day that ttheleepchhaonngeewnilelendosttboeohcocnuor.redF.or the security of our students, last minute requests via the Parents of our Prekindergarten students are required to sign an Attendance Agreement. Excessive absences may be grounds for dismissal from the program. Vacation requests are due at least two weeks prior to the dates of absence. A maximum of tinhraenedeaxpcpursoedvevdapcartioiorntodathyes acbansebneceu.sed during the school year if the paperwork is turned Parents and Visitors to Our School Ts chheo Wo l edsat ys .i dPea Pr er ni mt saar ny dS cvhi soi ot ol rasdmmui ns ti sut sr ea tti ho en ma na di nsftraof nf twdeol coor mt oe eynot ue ratthaensyc ht iomo el adnudr isnhgo ut hl de ipmr omc ee dd iuartee lrye qr eupi roerst yt oo ut ht oe hs cahv oe oal voaf fliicdedtroi vseirg’ ns liinc eannsde . oAb ltla vi ni s iat ovriss,i tpoarr epnatsss,. T h e s i g n - i n wanidthvcooluunnttyeearnsdmsuchstowolesaarfethtyepvriosicteodrupraesss. while in the building in accordance School Messages bA es as ep np tr oapurt ioamt ea, tsi cc ha lol yo l t ahdr omui gnhi s toruart i no ne ww isl yl ss teenmd co aultl eadu tTohmr ial tl eSdh ma r ee s. st aog ye os .uTr hper immeasrsya gpeh wo ni lel aa nf t de r ne mo oani l . o Ur ne laersl sy tehveernei nigs aasn ae rme emr ignednecry , o mf me seseatgi ne sg s woi rl l obt eh esre snct h iono l t- hr eel al taet de ewveel nl . tPs .l eYaosue hmeal py ug es tbay ml i setsesnaigneg itnodtihv ei dwu ahlol yl e cmo necses rang ien ag sytohuerr ec hmi lady’ sbaebns oe nocnee, ai ns it nh feo or mf f iactei ot no rs ehsapr oe dn di ni mt hmee md ieast es al yg et o. Tyhorui rl l i Snhqauri er yMi fe ys soeunug seer tShyes tceaml l - bi sa cakgfreeaattu rweatyo toobst at ai ny ceolencntreocnteicda. llIyf aysowuelpl.rovide the office with an email address, messages may be sent