Westside Primary 2024-2025 Student Handbook

5 | P a g e Car Riders and Daily Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures Il of oypo ui s borni nl yg f yoor ubru cs he si l, da nt od st hc he osoi dl , edlroot pi s- ouf fn issu po ne rl yv i isne dt hset avf if spi taorrk ipnagr. k Ai n sgc lhoot oal reema . p lTohyee ef rwo ni l tl be ne t ienr itnhge svcihs iot oo lr. pAatr kt hi neg el no dt toof gt rheee td as tyu, di te ni st sn ee caec shs amr oy r fnoi rn ga l tl op ea nr es nu trse phiicsk/ihnegr us pa f ec at yr ur ipdoenr stotutdheenctasrtso. wait in their cars in the visitor lot pick up line. An employee will deliver students Iofbytaoiunwa ocuarldtilcikkeettaonpdlvanerfiofircaytoiounr fcohrimld. to be a daily car rider, please contact the office to Wicomico County Dress Code Policy Pmlaeianseofvfiisciet.www.mywcps.org to locate the dress code policy. Copies are also available in the Please note that the current dress code policy does not permit the wearing of flip flops in elementary schools. All shoes must have an asanfkeltey/mbaecaksusrtreadpuarnindgprerocetescst. the feet. This is especially important as a Shorts and skirts must meet the specific length requirements. Tank tops, strapless tops, and spaghetti straps are not permissible. To thhee sr tsu, dr eednut cder et hs se coocdc eu ri sr ei nn tceenodfeddi st oc i pc rl ienaet epar opbol seimt i vs ,e asnc dh omo al icnl itma i ant es aof fe rt ye sapnedc tofrodresreilnf at nh de school so that effective teaching and learning can take place. Marvelous Manners – Guidance Department Ws t ueds tesni dt se. POrui mr da ar yi l yS cmh oo ronl itna gk easn pn roiudne cienmme anitns t iani nc liundg ea apfoosciut isv oe nl etahren vi nagl ueenov fi rtohne mmeonnt tfho ra na dl l reciting the school pledge. School Pledge I will come to school each day. I will do my best. I I w wI i i l w l l l b i f l e o l w l k lo i e n w a d r a t m l o l y t e h v se e m r ri y u le o le . n s e . . All these things I will do to be a good citizen.