page 4 presented to the classroom teacher before being admitted to the class. Teachers take attendance promptly at 8:45 a.m., and students not in the classroom at that time will be considered late and must be signed in at the front office. DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS Car rider dismissal begins at 3:10pm. Bus rider dismissal begins at 3:15pm and students are dismissed as their bus arrives. If you are picking up your child, please come to the office and your child’s classroom will be called for dismissal as no students will be released to an adult directly from the classroom. Anytime a student is picked up from the office, the adult must present valid identification to ensure student safety. West Salisbury Elementary School utilizes a computer-based system to scan identification against a national registry to ensure student safety. Students who are car riders will receive a bookbag tag and 2 vehicle car rider tags with corresponding numbers. The car tag must be displayed from the rear-view mirror when picking up your student(s). If a transportation change needs to be made for the day, a note must be sent in writing to the school office indicating the adult picking up. Unless we receive a note from the documented parent/guardian or the parent/guardian is onsite by 3:10pm, students who ride a bus will ride it home. Thank you for your understanding and support as we ensure the safety of all our West Salisbury students. PARENT/COMMUNICATION We strongly believe that on-going and positive communication between home and school is crucial for your student’s success. We have several ways to keep you informed: ● Automated Phone Calls & Emails: We utilize an automated phone call, sms, and email alert system through ThrillShare. This system is used to alert parents of upcoming events within our school and district. Please share the number that should receive these messages with the office. Phone numbers must be accurate and up to date to receive the message. Be sure to notify the front office any time your home, cell, or work phone number changes. The system is also utilized to inform families of messages from the school district, inform families of student absences, and in the event of a weather-related delay. In addition to the phone calls, an email also goes out which includes the information shared in the call. Be sure to have your email on file with the school office. ● Tuesday Folder: Each student will bring home important information provided by the office or Central Office, and other important information to keep each parent/guardian informed in their Tuesday Folder. We ask that each parent/guardian keep all informative papers but return any signed forms or needed notes. ● School Facebook: Be sure to look for us on Facebook by going to! School celebrations with pictures are frequently published along with important information and upcoming dates. ● School Website: Our school website is . On the school website, you will find Title I information, important documents, parent resources, our School Improvement Plan, upcoming events, staff directory, and other announcements. ● Agenda: Agendas will be provided for all students in 1st and 2nd grades. The agenda serves important functions including parent-teacher notes and homework assignments. Teachers check agendas daily and we ask that families check their student’s agenda every night. PARENT-TEACHER COMMUNICATION