PEMBERTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 1300 Pemberton Dr. Salisbury, MD 21801 PHONE: (410) 677-5809 Principal: Valerie Folsom Assistant Principal: Elizabeth Finch
Mission and Vision Statements: Mission Statement: Pemberton Elementary School’s mission is to create a positive, safe learning environment where each child will become a lifelong learner. Belief Statements: ● Quality instruction will be generated through data analysis, grade level team meetings, co-teaching, and professional development. ● Quality instruction provides a variety of opportunities for students to engage in the learning process. ● We will embrace each child’s learning style and equip them to reach their full potential. ● We will continue to foster a connected and caring community focused on building positive, trusting relationships. ● Pemberton Elementary will continue to be active with the Judy Center Partnership, faith-based partners, Salisbury University, and other outside community agencies. Values: ● Developmentally appropriate practices incorporated within quality instruction ● Parental and community involvement and input ● Student growth driven by data analysis ● Ongoing, consistent student attendance ● Demonstration of citizenship through social, emotional growth and building trusting relationships Pemberton School Code Pandas show their Panda Pride by: BeingKing BeingSafe Being Responsible
Daily Schedule 8:15AM First Bell for Students in Y3 - 5 8:45AM Instruction Begins 11:00-11:30 Y3 Lunch & PreK 4 Lunch 12:10-12:40 1st Grade Lunch 12:25-12:55 2nd Grade Lunch 11:15-11:45 3rd Grade Lunch 11:50-12:20 4th Grade Lunch 12:45-1:15 5th Grade Lunch 3:15PM School Ends; Dismissal Due to limited spacing within the cafeteria, we request visits to be scheduled prior to and following your child’s assigned lunch time. See additional information under Classroom Visitation of the Pemberton Student Handbook. School Dress Code We will follow the Wicomico County Dress Code Policy. Clarifying statements regarding our school dress code include the following: ● All tops and bottoms should be of appropriate size so as not to cause stretching or gapping of the material. Tops and bottoms should not be tight to the skin or baggy. Sleeveless shirts, t-shirts, tank tops, lounge wear, or pajama bottoms are not permitted. Cut-offs, frayed seams, and holes are not permitted on any clothing. ● Students must remove and store all outerwear in the place designated by their teacher when they enter the building. ● Hats, head coverings, visors, scarves or sunglasses are not to be worn in the building unless for religious or medical reasons (documentation required). ● During normal routine activities like raising arms or bending over, no skin or undergarments should be visible between the waistband of the pants and the bottom of the shirt. ● Skirts, dresses and jumpers (being no shorter than 3” above the top of the knee while standing), skorts and shorts (no shorter than 5” above the top of the knee while standing) can be worn. Clothing items must be worn at the natural waist (above the hips). ● Shoes must always be worn. Footwear must be appropriate and safe for running and climbing on the playground. Shoes must be closed in the back or have a back strap. Slippers, flip-flops, Heelys are not permitted. Physical Education Class Dress Code ● Athletic shoes or tennis shoes are required. ● Skirts or jumpers should not be worn unless shorts are underneath. ● Students will wear the clothing for class that they wore to school that day. After School Activities Dress Code ● Students who attend activities directly after school should continue to wear the clothing that was worn during the school day. ● Some activities, such as concerts, may specify a different type of clothing.
Carpool & Walker Tags All families are encouraged to enroll in the Pemberton Tag Program. Applications have been sent home with student placement letters. Families picking their children up or dropping off either on Ellegood Dr. or the Pemberton Apartment gate sides of the building will be required to display their tag daily. As a reminder, any Walker in Y3, PK, K and 1st grade must be picked up by a designated adult as indicated on the Red Walker Form. Students will be matched based upon the Pemberton Tag Number assigned to your family for their safety. Additional tags may be requested for five dollars. If a tag is lost, replacements will cost five dollars. Arrival of Students Students may not arrive at school prior to the entry time stated above since no adults are available to provide supervision. If a student arrives after 8:45 a.m., an adult must sign them in at the school Front Office. Students will be given a tardy slip before going to the classroom. Arrival and Dismissal from School It is recommended that families dropping off their students use the Ellegood traffic circle (Carpool). Drivers remain in the car while the student exits on the right-hand side directly on to the sidewalk. If you wish to walk your child into school, please park in the front lot and enter through the main doors. Dismissal of Students/Notes Dismissal begins at 3:15 p.m. When announced, car riders will be dismissed to the B Wing for Carpool dismissal and Walkers will be dismissed to the F Wing doors. Bus students will then be called as they arrive on the property. If a student must leave school early or go home differently from the way they arrived at school, a note indicating such changes must be written by the parent and given to the teacher in the morning. For security reasons phone calls cannot be accepted, a written note is required which can include email to our front office staff or a fax (410-677-5848) by noon on the day of the desired change. Attendance Policy Full-day Pre-K 3 through Grade 5: A student is counted as present for a full day if the student is in attendance for 4 hours or more of the school day. A student is counted as present for a ½ day if the student is in attendance for at least 2 hours of the school day, but less than 4 hours.
Classroom Visitation We encourage parents to visit their child’s scheduled classroom. As we maintain a safe environment, we request that you sign in at the front office before going to the classroom to receive your yellow sticker that must remain visible at all times. All doors will continue to be locked in classrooms and teachers will be called and notified when a visitor is on their way. In addition, teachers will notify the front office when visitors are leaving the scheduled classroom. The front office staff will ensure the yellow sticker is returned prior to exiting from visitors. Should a conference be needed, a separate mutually agreed time must be scheduled with your child’s teacher; conferences will not be held during a classroom visitation due to instruction. Due to limited spacing within the cafeteria, we request visits to be scheduled prior to and following your child’s assigned lunch time (See lunch shifts under the Daily Schedule of the Pemberton Student Handbook). Please be aware that children preschool age or younger will not be permitted into the instructional areas to avoid disruption. Discipline Each staff member at Pemberton Elementary School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. A student’s behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the Wicomico County Board of Education, administration, and teachers. School Rules 1. Walk in hallways with quiet voices. 2. Toys, balls, cellphones, video games, etc. are not allowed in school unless they are being used as a part of classroom instruction with teacher permission. 3. Inappropriate language, comments, or teasing is not permitted. 4. Good manners should be used throughout the building with adults and students. 5. No physical contact, “play fighting”, or bullying is permitted and are in violation of the Wicomico County Board of Education Discipline Policy. 6. Bicycles and skateboards are not to be ridden to school due to safety concerns on Pemberton Drive. Fire Drills/Crisis Drills Every precaution is taken to ensure the safety of each student during normal school hours. Periodic fire and crisis drills are executed to make certain students learn proper safety procedures and adhere to all safety guidelines.
Lunch Accounts Each student will be given a specific lunch ID that will be used when purchasing lunch. Parents are permitted to put money on their child’s account at any time throughout the year. When sending in a check, please make it out to Pemberton Elementary School and include the student’s lunch ID number in the memo. Birthday treats will need to be store bought and sealed in their original packaging; birthday treats will be consumed at a time suitable for the schedule at the teacher’s discretion as it may not be possible to consume these treats during your child’s scheduled lunch shift. Due to limited spacing within the cafeteria, we request visits to be scheduled prior to and following your child’s assigned lunch time. See additional information under Classroom Visitation of the Pemberton Student Handbook. Educational Field Trips Properly supervised and planned educational field trips are an important part of the instructional program. A signed permission slip from a parent or guardian is required for all field trips. Please note if Chaperones are needed on your child’s permission slip; all Chaperones must be approved and provide payment upon being selected prior to the field trip. Medication Policy All prescription, over the counter, homeopathic, and herbal medications to be given at school must be accompanied by a signed doctor’s order. The original prescription container should accompany all medications. Medications MUST be brought to school by the parent or responsible adult. Children are NOT permitted to transport medications. Children are also not permitted to keep medication in their possession during the school day. This includes cough drops, medicated lotions, sunscreen, etc. Emergency Information Personal Data/Emergency Information sheets will be sent home by each child at the beginning of the school year. It is imperative that all sheets be returned and fully completed. Emergency situations can arise rather frequently in a school. For your child’s health and safety, it is CRITICAL that we have CURRENT emergency contact information. Please remember that it is imperative that a new sheet be completed with each family/household change. In addition, a new proof of residency must be submitted with every residential move.
Family Portal Parents of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students can access “real time” information regarding their child’s grades and attendance. Parents will be able to access the Family Portal through a child specific ID number. In order to receive the ID number for your child, our school must have the most up to date information for them. The best way to do this is by returning the Personal Data/Emergency Information Sheet that was sent at the beginning of the year.